Wadia PowerDAC- 390 Controller/
790 towers/270 Transport
The one and only Wadia PowerDAC System complete with 270 trasport
- Wadia's Statement engineering masterpiece. Drive your speakers
direct without interconnects or preamps, only pure ST optical digital
signal conveyance and one pair of speaker cables. Ideal for ultradynamic
play, especially with Wilson or other high performance speakers.
Awesome techno look and massively built - a real sculptural work
of art. PowerDac has 24 bit resolution, Wilson mirrors, Swift Current
and ClockLink technologies all pushed to the absolute limit. Processing
at 2.8 MHz.
Comes with original hardcover manual, cones, remotes,
all ST optical cables, crates and boxes. Some minor dings on
side and back of
Retail Price: $80,000
DEMO PRICE: $39,500 |